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Alternating booth

Compact and functional SA spray booth
Alternating stainless steel booth with 2 to 5 spray guns and operating widths of from 1600 to 3400 mm, particularly suitable for smaller workspaces.
The booth is equipped with a variable speed transfer trolley, which can be adjusted according to production requirements, guaranteeing a long service life and reliability over time.
Special features
A variable speed transfer trolley, adjustable according to production requirements, guaranteeing a long service life and reliability over time;
Spray gun arm with variable continuous speed;
Simple low maintenance structure;
Bottom booth tank available in different versions dry, still water, recirculating water films;
High efficiency spray fume extractor independent of the spray booth and made entirely of stainless steel;
Economizer for pigment savings.
Customization options
Linking conveyors;
Wire cleaning system available in two versions: with dry wire scraper or washing options.
Line Accessories
Fratelli Carlessi also delivers additional elements and solutions to boost the efficiency of the lines which can be tailored to meet the customer's needs.